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"The practice has a great reputation around Boston. Everyone I know that has gone in has been happy with their results."

Chris Wagner
Colorado Avalanche Forward


Hair Transplant Boom Interview on WBZ-AM 1030 in Boston

Chief Surgeon Dr. Matthew Lopresti was interviewed by WBZ’s reporter Kim Tunnicliffe on the increased interest in hair transplant surgery during the pandemic.  The segment  recently aired on WBZ-AM 1030 in Boston, one of America’s oldest radio stations and can be heard by clicking here.

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Boston Magazine Best of Boston 2021 “Best Hair Restoration”

Leonard Hair Transplant Associates is honored to be recognized by Boston Magazine as “Best Hair Restoration” in their Best of Boston 2021 list.  Boston is our home and we are devoted to providing the highest quality medical and surgical care to to the area.  Thank […]

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NHL Network Host Jamison Coyle treats hair loss with PRP

As we all get ready to see who will be awarded The Stanley Cup (hopefully not to the Montreal Canadiens – Go Bruins!), we wanted to share the story of a man well versed in all things hockey, our friend and patient, Jamison Coyle. Jamison’s […]

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Former Patriots Tight End Christian Fauria has FUE procedure


2 time Super Bowl Champion Christian Fauria lives and breathes sports. While he spends a lot of his time talking about the local teams on WEEI every afternoon with fellow hosts Lou Merloni and Glenn Ordway, it was a conversation with show guests Rob Ninkovich, […]

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WBZ-TV 4 Boston interviews Dr. Lopresti on the Zoom Boom

CBS affiliate WBZ-TV Channel 4 in Boston interviewed Dr. Matthew Lopresti to learn more about the increase in business due to the “Zoom Boom”. The segment “Zoom Boom: Cosmetic Procedures Skyrocket During Pandemic” aired during the 6pm newscast on April 29th. Reporter Rachel Holt sat […]

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Dr. Lopresti NBC Boston segment on hair loss due to stress

Chief Surgeon Dr. Matthew Lopresti was recently invited by NBC Boston to share his thoughts on the potential connection of hair loss and COVID-19.  Reporter Katherine Underwood conducted the interview via Zoom with Dr. Lopresti and the segment aired during the evening newscasts on both […]

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