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Chris Wagner
Colorado Avalanche Forward

A Sunburned Scalp Signals Your Hair is Thinning

The weather has finally started to turn for the best and most of us are beginning to spend more time outdoors. However, the sun can be intense. One way to recognize an early sign of hair loss is if you get a sun burn on your scalp this summer.  Ouch it hurts too when the hot water in the shower hits it or when you try to brush your hair!

SunAs wonderful as the sun may feel on our skin, it is imperative that we all protect ourselves from the sun’s potentially harmful rays. In particular, sunburns can increase the risk of skin cancer and prolonged exposure to its rays may damage both native and transplanted hair.  Prolonged exposure to the sun can fade your hair color, increase split ends and create scrunched hair, all problems that are made worse by thinning hair.

So what should you do if you get a sun burn on your scalp:

Remember, your hair is an important investment that you have decided to keep! We are here to help keep your hair throughout your lifetime and sunscreen and or a simple hat is but one measure to protect against permanent damage to your hair follicles.

Enjoy the weather!

Lopresti Signature




Dr. Matthew Lopresti