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Dr. Lopresti is a cool, laid back guy. He’s about my age, and really understood exactly what I was going through.

Stephen Gostkowski
New England Patriots Super Bowl XLIX, LI and LIII Champion

Seasonal Hair Loss Strikes Again

As happens every year at about this time, our phones at Leonard Hair Transplant Associates are ringing off the hook—not just from patients looking for a complimentary hair loss consultation or to schedule their transplants, either.

The significant increase in volume of calls is from existing patients who are experiencing increased shedding.  These may be ones who have only come in for a consultation or ones who are undergoing therapies to stabilize progression or even from surgical patients experiencing non-transplanted hair loss—all of a sudden.  More hair is noticed in the drain, in the brush, on clothes, everywhere!
The prescribed treatments have not stopped working.  This semi-annual phenomenon, known as SEASONAL HAIR LOSS, is real and it’s scary to those affected.  Seasonal hair loss lasts typically from the first of July to the end of August.  Then these fallen hairs begin to re-grow.

It is not that the treatments have stopped working (or have yet to become clinically effective); it’s just an often-significant increase in shedding of scalp hair that occurs during this time of the year.  Patience and reassurance are necessary to get through this situation.  It will get better.

One important thing to know, however, is that if you are not currently treating your hair loss with Propecia and/or Rogaine Foam and/or (and especially) with the Auxo A300 laser device, then you should be!  Really, you should because it is far easier to keep the hair that you have than it is to restore it.

Happy Summer to All!!!

Dr. Robert Leonard

Founder and Chief Surgeon