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Fred Toucher
98.5 The Sports Hub Radio Host

Sorry Mom! Debunking the Hair Loss Myth on Mother’s Day

With Mother’s Day around the corner, it’s a perfect time to debunk a common myth surrounding hair loss. For decades, many have believed that if your maternal grandfather was bald, you were destined to follow suit. Conversely, if your father’s mother had a full head of hair, you were in the clear. But not so fast, because genetics doesn’t play favorites when it comes to hair loss. Contrary to popular belief, the genes responsible for hair loss are inherited from both sides of the family tree.

Those genes can be sneaky—they like to team up from both mom and dad’s sides. So, even if you’ve been eyeing Grandpa’s receding hairline with suspicion, it’s not just his genes you should consider; Grandma’s contribution matters too. So, the next time you’re trying to predict your hairline’s future, it might be wise to take a closer look at the entire family tree.

Genetics accounts for a whopping 98% of hair loss cases. That’s right, blame it on the genes! Whether you’ve inherited the “follically challenged” trait from your mother’s side, your father’s side, or both, the outcome remains the same. Hair loss is a genetic hand-me-down that can strike anyone, regardless of gender or familial lineage.

Now, before you start pointing fingers at mom or dad, let’s remember that they’re not entirely to blame. After all, they didn’t choose their genetic blueprint! Instead, focus on what you can control: seeking treatment early on. Whether you’re noticing the first signs of a receding hairline or a widening part, taking action sooner rather than later can make all the difference in halting further hair loss progression.

To all the mothers out there, if you’re reading this, fear not! We appreciate you more than words can express. And while we may jest about hair loss being passed down the maternal line, rest assured, mom is never to blame—except, perhaps, for that one tiny gene she passed on.

Wishing you all a Happy Mother’s Day filled with love, laughter, and a whole lot of hair!

Dr. Matthew Lopresti