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"Dr. Lopresti is a first class surgeon who breaks the mold of the typical white coat doctor"

Charlie McAvoy
Boston Bruins Defenseman


The field of hair transplantation and hair restoration is constantly evolving. To help you stay up-to-date on emerging technologies, practice developments, and patient results, we regularly publish articles in our digital newsletter, Hairlines. This informative resource is designed to give you access to unique material that is both educational and entertaining. If you have any questions about a post here, or if you would like to learn more about hair restoration techniques, please reach out to our team for help.

Dr. Mary Lopresti Joins Leonard Hair Transplant Associates

  Leonard Hair Transplant Associates proudly announces that Dr. Mary Lopresti, DO has joined our staff as a hair restoration surgeon. Dr. Lopresti is currently training under Chief Surgeon Dr. Matthew Lopresti and will begin seeing patients in our Newton, Massachusetts office. “We are so […]

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NHL Network Host Jamison Coyle treats hair loss with PRP

As we all get ready to see who will be awarded The Stanley Cup (hopefully not to the Montreal Canadiens – Go Bruins!), we wanted to share the story of a man well versed in all things hockey, our friend and patient, Jamison Coyle. Jamison’s […]

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Former Patriots Tight End Christian Fauria has FUE procedure


2 time Super Bowl Champion Christian Fauria lives and breathes sports. While he spends a lot of his time talking about the local teams on WEEI every afternoon with fellow hosts Lou Merloni and Glenn Ordway, it was a conversation with show guests Rob Ninkovich, […]

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Good hair speaks louder than words for TV host Josh McBride

Meet Josh McBride, an affable, vibrant 33-year old television host and producer who has contributed to The Today Show, The Talk, Wendy Williams Show, Buzzfeed, The Daily Buzz, and more. Josh has made a name for himself interviewing celebrities like Kevin Hart, Sarah Jessica Parker, […]

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