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Being a young guy, I felt like Dr. Lopresti was my peer and he had plenty of passion about what he does.

David Backes
15-year NHL Veteran & 2-time Olympian

Can dyeing your hair too much over time cause hair loss?

Dr. Lopresti and I are often asked by our patients if dyeing (or tinting) their hair causes hair loss. Many men and women in the United States tint their hair for fashion, for a more youthful look, and to decrease the noticeability of thinning hair. Our hair transplant patient Chris loves his new head of hair and colors it red to make a bold statement!

In the distant past, hair dyes used to contain more harsh chemicals and they needed to be left on the hair and scalp for only a specific period of time; close attention to the time was necessary when it had to be rinsed off. If they were left on for too long of a time, then a chemical burn of sorts could occur and be a problem.

Thanks to scientific advancements over the last several years, today’s hair dyes are less harsh to the hair and scalp and have a built-in timer where the chemical reaction creating the benefit turns off on its own. Given this fact, I really would not worry about these agents causing hair loss.

Dr. Robert Leonard

Founder of Leonard Hair Transplant Associates