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"I cannot stress the importance of getting ahead of this before it's too late. I’m so glad that I went to Dr. Lopresti and started the process."

Matt Grzelyck
Pittsburgh Penguins Defenseman

Dr. Robert Leonard Selected to Participate in 14th International Conference of the Italian Society of Hair Restoration

Dr. Robert Leonard, chief surgeon and founder of Leonard Hair Transplant Associates, will participate in the 14th International Conference of the Italian Society of Hair Restoration (ISHR), held in Rome from May 24-27.

logo_ishr_newDr. Leonard, an internationally recognized expert in the field of hair restoration, will moderate a symposium called Technological Innovations, Ectopic Transplantations, and Complications. Dr Leonard will focus on the benefits of Low Level Laser Therapy, as well as eyebrow transplantation and scarring alopecia, a painful form of hair loss.

Dr. Leonard will also participate in a roundtable discussion about difficult cases of hair restoration surgery. Of the 14 scientific congresses held by ISHR, this marks the 11th time Dr. Leonard has been a member of the faculty.

Following the conference, Dr. Leonard will travel to Athens, Greece to discuss a revolutionary, automated surgical technique called NeoGraft at the annual DHI Academy Masters Meeting on June 2nd. He was the first local hair restoration surgeon to use NeoGraft.

Dr. Leonard is New England’s foremost authority on hair restoration and frequently speaks about his use of cutting-edge technologies, and the benefits it brings to his patients.

Dr. Leonard is the national spokesman for Rogaine®; the hair loss expert for Johnson & Johnson; a Fellow of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery; and a founding member and former president of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, where he presently sits on several committees. He operates offices in Cranston, Rhode Island; Boston, Worcester, Hyannis, Braintree, and Newton Centre, Massachusetts; and Salem, New Hampshire.