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“I was losing my MoJo! Thanks to Dr. Lopresti, I have my own permanent hair growing again.”

Mike Adams
Radio Personality

How to Correct a Widow’s Peak

Hair loss is a common concern, and the pattern the hair loss takes can be similar for many patients. Many men experience hair follicle miniaturization along the sides of the hairline near the temples with slower thinning at the center top of the forehead. This type of hair loss pattern is often referred to as a “widow’s peak,” due to the shape the front hairline takes. Hair loss isn’t the only cause of a widow’s peak; some people simply have a hairline with this shape. If you’re dissatisfied by a widow’s peak, Dr. Robert Leonard and Dr. Matthew Lopresti, our extensively trained hair restoration surgeons, can help you address this issue with the latest techniques.

If your widow’s peak is caused by male pattern baldness , there are a number of effective treatments available, including both surgical and non-surgical options. Our physicians will likely recommend a combination approach to achieve the best possible outcome. Hair transplant surgery combined with medical remedies can provide significant restoration with no limitations on how you can wear your hair. Laser therapy using the AuxoA300 technology may be very useful.

If you have always had a widow’s peak and simply prefer a different shape for your hairline, hair transplant surgery may still be an effective approach. Non-surgical methods will not help, since you have not lost any hair in the area to regrow; however, it is possible to take grafts from other areas of your head and relocate them to the area where you want them. Drs. Leonard and Lopresti can evaluate your concerns and develop a customized treatment plan designed to achieve your goals and optimize your results.

For more information, we encourage you to schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our experienced surgeons today.