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Being a young guy, I felt like Dr. Lopresti was my peer and he had plenty of passion about what he does.

David Backes
15-year NHL Veteran & 2-time Olympian


I visited Alaska recently to lecture at the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) meeting in Anchorage, Alaska.  What a beautiful state it is!

I was able to experience Prince William Sound on a ferryboat tour that showed our group 26 glaciers and wildlife including sea lions, seals, and sea otters.  While we visited Surprise Glacier, we got to see calving take place where huge chunks of the face of the glacier break off and splash into the sea.  It truly was amazing!

Anchorage is a small, but very interesting city.  It is chock full of tourist shops selling all sorts of souvenirs, but also with beautiful art galleries showcasing native peoples’ handcrafts made of whale bone, ivory, wood, and other indigenous materials.  The ultra-modern convention center offered a fabulous venue for a most interesting scientific meeting.  A devastating earthquake and tidal wave destroyed most of Anchorage on Good Friday in 1964 leaving interesting stories to be told by locals who survived it.  

If you haven’t had the opportunity to leave the “Lower 48” to visit our 49th State, I encourage you to plan a visit when possible.  The best time to experience Alaska is between May and mid-September, when the weather permits the best ability to enjoy touring by boat, bus, car, or floatplane.  Happy travels!
