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Being a young guy, I felt like Dr. Lopresti was my peer and he had plenty of passion about what he does.

David Backes
15-year NHL Veteran & 2-time Olympian

And the winners are!

We have the winners! I am pleased to announce that we have the first and second prize winners of the You Deserve Hair contest I launched earlier this summer to give back to the community where I have been blessed to have practiced for the last 20 years.

With the economy still in a dismal condition in the Northeast, with Rhode Island’s unemployment rate at 12.7% and Massachusetts’ at a level double form last year, I wanted to offer a free hair transplant and facial treatment with Botox Cosmetic or a dermal filler such as Juvederm or Radiesse.

For two decades, patients have told me how negatively their hair loss affects their self image, self esteem and self confidence. So I thought that by offering a chance for an unemployed individual to have these procedures, then, hopefully, their self confidence to go out and put their best foot forward in interviews would be enhanced with their boost in self confidence with their new head of hair.

Lynn Lopes of North Providence is the first prize winner who told me: “It’s so hard to be in the public when you feel like everyone is looking at you because your hair is so thin, and I just wanted to relieve that feeling somewhat. This gift is going to increase my confidence level tremendously. I can’t wait to be blow drying my new hair, getting ready for work at a wonderful new job!”

Lynn Lopes from North Providence,
Rhode Island

David Arruda of New Bedford, MA is the second prize winner who will undergo a year of low level laser therapy as well as a cosmetic treatment as above. “In 19 years of teaching, I’ve been pink slipped eight times, so I know that confidence is one of the first things to go after you’ve been laid off. With this win, I hope to feel better about myself and to have confidence when I go to interviews.”

David Arruda from New Bedford,

I cannot express the pleasure I have in being able to offer this to these most deserving individuals. I sincerely hope, that through media coverage of this contest and interest by the public viewing this over the Internet that we can get each of these people a job in addition to a better head of hair!

Best wishes to all!
