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"Dr. Lopresti is the nicest guy, and the whole process was quick and painless."

Josh McBride
Entertainment Host

Boston Executive Nancy DellaRocco – There is nothing you did wrong because hair loss is genetic

unnamedWhen your job requires you to speak in front of large groups, pitch ideas to executives, and conduct business in a formal work environment, then your appearance really matters. Professional work attire creates confidence and authority when making presentations to large groups. Nancy DellaRocco, an executive for Harvard Business School, met the above criteria, yet still felt like she was missing a critical element of her success – her hair.

Admittedly, Nancy is not much of a makeup person. She dresses well, but says her naturally-curly, flowing, and partially-gray hair is her defining feature. But, she knew there was a problem with it. “My mother had significant hair loss,” the 53-year-old from Watertown, Massachusetts, said. “And, so did my older sister, so I knew what was in store for me.” She knew that sooner or later she, too, would start losing her defining feature.

nancy-dellarocco-final“Nancy had done her homework to understand that most hair loss it due to family genetics,” said Dr. Robert Leonard of Leonard Hair Transplant Associates. “In fact, it’s my professional opinion that 98% of hair loss is hereditary.”

Because of her position at Harvard, Nancy knew she needed to act; so years ago, she began self-treating her hair loss with over-the-counter medication, Rogaine. “While using topical treatments is a good step, there is no substitution for seeing a hair loss specialist who can accurately diagnose a person’s hair loss problem and recommend the measures than can, and should, be taken to correct it,” Leonard said. Nancy saw a television commercial for Leonard Hair Transplant Associates and she immediately made the call.

“From the moment I made that first call, every person in the office, from Drs. Leonard and Lopresti on down, treated me with the utmost respect and professionalism,” Nancy said. “In our first meeting, Dr. Leonard changed my regimen for Rogaine and we just talked about what I was experiencing. He did not try to sell me at all. In fact, I had to ask him if I was a candidate for a procedure.”

“My process is to always allow patients the opportunity to tell me their goals and what’s bothering them about their hair loss before making a suggestion as to how to proceed,” Leonard said. “In Nancy’s case, we did elect to have her undergo a traditional strip hair transplant procedure in which hairs are transplanted from the back of the scalp to the front thinning area.”

“It was really a no brainer for me,” Nancy said. “It’s jarring when you see a woman with noticeable hair loss right? Society is used to men being bald, but when you see a woman it has a different effect on you.”

“More than 30 million women in America deal with hair loss,” said Dr. Leonard. “Thinking that it’s a male-only problem is one of the most common misconceptions that I come across.”
Despite hair loss treatment being a very common procedure for men as well as for women, there remains some stigma attached for many who choose to undergo the procedure. While Nancy freely admits it wasn’t something she discussed with friends and family over dinner, she jumped at the chance to tell her personal story and experience as a patient of Leonard Hair Transplant Associates.

“I did not want to be shy about it. I want other women to know it’s okay,” she said. “Hair loss is genetic; there is nothing you did wrong, and there definitely is something you can do about it.”
Nancy underwent her procedure in January of 2015, and waited patiently to see her new hair grow in. In most cases, patients who undergo surgical hair restoration procedure will see new hair growth in 6-18 months. Nancy said Drs. Leonard and Lopresti gave her realistic expectations, and followed through with her every step of the way. “It’s been almost two years since I first had my procedure and they give me the same level of detail and professionalism as they did on day one,” Nancy said. “The service did not stop with the surgery.”

Nancy recommends that all men or women who notice hair loss in themselves or in their family members give Leonard Hair Transplant Associates a call. “It completely changed my life and my self-confidence,” she said.  “I couldn’t even believe it when I saw new hair coming in. The whole thing was truly fantastic. It turned things around for me.”

If you want to turns things around or want to learn more about hair loss, contact Leonard Hair Transplant Associates to schedule a free, confidential consultation. Call 1-800-543-0660.

Dr. Robert Leonard

Founder and Chief Surgeon