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“I was losing my MoJo! Thanks to Dr. Lopresti, I have my own permanent hair growing again.”

Mike Adams
Radio Personality

Boston Radio Host Fred Toucher Winning the Ratings Battle and the Battle Against his Hair Loss

May Hairlines

If you are a New England sports fan, then Fred Toucher is a man you know and trust.  If you are a man looking to improve his hairline, then Dr. Leonard is a man you know and trust.

Fred is the co-host on ” Toucher and Rich“, a morning radio show on 98.5 The Sports Hub in Boston. In morning drive among men 25-54, The Sports Hub’s “Toucher and Rich” program ranks first in the ratings and has been on top for seven consecutive three-month periods.  Being one of the most popular sports radio personalities in the market, Fred is no stranger to the public eye and, therefore, is very conscious of his image.

Fred ToucherFred began to gradually lose his hair in his mid-twenties.  He tried to take matters into his own hands by using alleged home remedies such as shampoos and other over-the-counter products, but it was “just throwing money away.”  After researching hair transplant procedures, he immediately decided Dr. Robert Leonard was the right man for the job, having known his reputation in New England and his work on professional football player Wes Welker.

“After my consultation with Fred, I immediately knew he was a good candidate for a hair transplant procedure ,” said Dr. Leonard.  On March 4th of this year, Dr. Leonard performed Fred’s hair transplant in his Newton office. Fred recalls “being a little nervous”, but Dr. Leonard put him at ease and “before [he] knew it, the procedure was over.”

Going into any surgical procedure can cause some worry.  However, patients undergoing hair restoration surgery  soon realize that there is minimal discomfort..  The transplant experience at Dr. Leonard’s office was easy where patients, watch movies during the procedure.  In Fred’s case, he was “checking the internet and being normal.”

Fred is looking forward to his fuller hair. He will see significant new hair in six months, but full aesthetic results will be complete in approximately 18 months.  He indicated that even  his wife is really excited about it!  “Every guy has thought about it [hair transplant],” said Fred, “and today more men are open to talking about hair transplant procedures to achieve the look they desire”.

If you or someone you know is suffering from hair loss like Fred, please contact Leonard Hair Transplant Associates to schedule a free, confidential consultation with Dr. Leonard or Dr. Lopresti to explore the many hair restoration options available.  Call 1-800-GET-HAIR or visit www.hairdr.com.
