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"Dr. Lopresti is the nicest guy, and the whole process was quick and painless."

Josh McBride
Entertainment Host

Your April e-newsletter from Dr. Leonard

Christopher_Walsh.jpgChristopher began losing his hair about fourteen years ago. At the time, his friends opted for the old hair plug method or semi-permanent toupee systems. After exploring some options that either were too costly or lacked natural-looking results, he chose to shave his head. Unfortunately, he hated the look as he felt it made him resemble, as he describes, an ‘angry criminal’.

Fast forward to 2008 and what would otherwise be a frustrating traffic jam, became a pivotal turning point in his life. Driving home from work, Christopher saw a banner for our website, made contact for a free consultation and for the first time ever, was grateful for rush hour traffic. Christopher had a very upbeat and positive attitude about beginning his hair restoration. He had realistic expectations as far as results and he understood that it would take months to even begin to see significant growth. He has been so happy that he has already referred three friends to be patients of mine.

“I am so proud of my decision and results that I don’t keep it a secret. I tell anyone who I feel could benefit from the self-esteem boost I have received from hair transplantation surgery. I would recommend this to anyone suffering from hair loss. It looks great and is affordable for all budgets in these tough times.”

Christopher is back to seeing a hair stylist again, and since his procedure, even she cannot tell he had the surgery.

“My new stylist did not have any idea that I had a procedure until I told her. She said that in over twenty years of cutting hair, she couldn’t believe my results.”

In the end, what might start as a traumatizing experience, or in Christopher’s case, almost an identity crisis, doesn’t have to end that way. If you or someone you know is suffering from hair loss like Christopher, please contact me to schedule a free, confidential consultation to explore the many hair restoration options available. Call 1-800-GET-HAIR or visit www.hairdr.com.


Dr. Robert Leonard
Founder and Chief Surgeon


What’s New at LHTA

•See what Doc has to say about Jon Bon Jovi!
•Dr. Leonard will be speaking in Vienna in May at the European Society of Hair Restoration Surgery’s Annual Congress about “The Approach, Evaluation, and Treatment of Women with Hair Loss.”
•Johnson & Johnson recently invited Dr. Leonard to New York City as part of an expert panel on the current evaluation, treatments, and myths on male pattern hair loss.