Your December e-newsletter from Dr. Leonard
Posted on December 1, 2006 in Hairlines
2006 has been a banner year for Leonard Hair Transplant Associates and I would like to thank you for your continued business and loyal support. This year, I’ve been able to help hundreds of patients realize their dream of restoring the hair that they have lost and in the process, building their self-esteem.
I have had many blessings in 2006. I was fortunate to travel to many speaking engagements in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maine, Florida, California, Greece, and Italy. These opportunities have allowed me to discuss research, surgical techniques, and treatment options with my colleagues.

I was also recently appointed by the University of New England as Clinical Associate Professor of Family Medicine (Dermatology). My courses will focus on hair loss as well as the various types of treatments. My duties feature an experiential learning component for students, who will work in my office for several weeks. It’s a chance to teach young physicians the importance of the cosmetic and psychological aspects of healthcare. I’m looking forward to it!

As we look forward to another year, I have much to be thankful for including my loving family, my staff, my friends, my patients, the profession of medicine, and for the continued good health of all of those people for whom I care.
I would like to wish all who are participating in the Hairlines Newsletter a Happy Hanukkah, a joyous Christmas and a Healthy, Happy New Year! I pray the New Year will bring peace to all those who are suffering with problems large and small.


The Experts Raved about Dr. Leonard in 2006
“One of the country’s foremost experts on hair restoration” – Boston Spirit Magazine June/July 2006
Featured in Star Magazine in 2006, Doc shared his expert opinions on celebrities Mel Gibson and Jeremy Piven’s growing hairlines.
2006 marked a 20-year milestone – Read how Dr. Leonard thinks hair restoration has changed over the years and what lies ahead!
