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Dr. Lopresti is a cool, laid back guy. He’s about my age, and really understood exactly what I was going through.

Stephen Gostkowski
New England Patriots Super Bowl XLIX, LI and LIII Champion

Your February e-newsletter from Dr. Leonard

Dear Jennifer,

When Patricia Branca came to see me about restoring her hair, her sweetheart of 34 years came along to support her. Her husband, Tom, was so supportive, in fact, that before we finished the consultation he had decided on a hair restoration procedure for himself.

In my 20 years as a hair replacement surgeon, this is the first time I’ve had the pleasure of treating a husband and wife together. Tom and Patricia obviously have a great marriage, and at Valentine’s Day it’s great to see them tackling hair loss as a couple.


Patricia said she was 45 when a hysterectomy triggered her hair loss, which her doctors could not stabilize. “They just said, ‘Face it, you’re losing your hair.’ Nobody really had an answer,” she remembers.

Unfortunately, Patricia’s situation is not uncommon for women. One in every four women has female pattern baldness, a condition that takes a greater emotional toll on women.

Patricia is glad she has a husband who understands this. When they talked about doing something about her hair loss, “He was all for it,” she said.

For Tom, supporting Patricia’s decision to restore her hair was automatic, and choosing hair transplants over hairpieces or other alternatives was simple. “The hair transplant concept just intuitively makes a lot more sense,” said Tom.

Tom and Patricia had their surgeries on the same day in November and they continue to team up against hair loss with regular Luce LDS 100 treatments, including a joint appointment today, Valentine’s Day.

Do you have a loved one who could use help tackling hair loss? To schedule a free, confidential consultation or for answers to your questions on hair loss, call 1-800-543-0660. Or for more information, visit www.hairdr.com.


What’s New at LHTA

  • Dr. Leonard was featured in January’s GQ magazine. Read more!
  • On March 7th Dr. Leonard will be at the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery’s 13th Annual Live Workshop in Orlando. Doc will be speaking to members about the importance of hair loss consultations.
  • The University of New England has named Dr. Leonard Clinical Assistant Professor of Family Medicine and Dermatology at the College of Osteopathic Medicine.
