Your July e-newsletter from Dr. Leonard
Posted on July 1, 2007 in Hairlines
Dear Jennifer, Summer is in full swing and with these beautiful beach days, it prompts me to touch on a subject that is important to me—female pattern hair loss. So many of the patients I meet share with me the painful experiences they face, especially in the summer months, when everyone else is enjoying outdoor activities.
What most don’t realize is that thirty million women are affected – and the harsh reality is that this hereditary, progressive condition is often misdiagnosed and even ignored by other medical professionals. The good news is that there is both hope and help for women battling hair loss.
The three main treatments for women include:
- Rogaine Topical Solution (minoxidil) – Used as a long-term treatment, this is an effective product when used correctly. The New Rogaine Foam is even easier to use and takes less time to apply.
- Low Level Laser Light Therapy (Luce LDS 100) – This exciting tool can decrease the rate of hair loss and re-grow hair. It’s non-invasive and is designed for anyone starting hair loss.
- Hair Restoration Surgery – Modern techniques have made hair transplantation a popular and successful treatment option for women today, providing more hair to a thinning area. And you do not have to be bald to be a good candidate!
If you or someone you know is suffering from this devastating condition, encourage them to get realistic answers from an expert with compassion and over 20 years of experience. Call me today at 1-800-543-0660 or visit

What’s New at LHTA
- Dr. Leonard was featured in Beauty Now’s podcast: “Losing Your Hair?”
- LHTA-Newton has been transplanted! The Newton office has moved downstairs to a larger space which will provide patients with greater comfort and amenities including new flat screen televisions with DVD players for viewing during treatments, and more capacity for low-level laser light therapy sessions.
- Dr. Leonard is blogging! Check out his new blog.