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“I was losing my MoJo! Thanks to Dr. Lopresti, I have my own permanent hair growing again.”

Mike Adams
Radio Personality

Your July e-newsletter from Dr. Leonard

I recently had the sincere pleasure to take care of one of the finest athletes in any US sport, never mind in the NFL-Wes Welker, wide receiver for the New England Patriots.


As a Pats fan, I always had heard that Wes was a really nice guy. Well, I can tell you emphatically that this is an understatement. He is a gentleman in every sense of the word! He could not have been more polite and gracious during his hair loss consultation with me. And, during his procedure, we had a great time together talking about his recent wedding, our families, and our travel experiences. What impressed me tremendously was how terrific he was with my staff. He took photos with them and signed items for them, which they greatly appreciated.

I am looking forward to a growing friendship with Wes along with his new growing hair over the next several months. I wish him and the Patriots a fabulous season and look forward to a Super Bowl victory in New Orleans!
