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"Dr. Lopresti is the nicest guy, and the whole process was quick and painless."

Josh McBride
Entertainment Host

Your June e-newsletter from Dr. Leonard

This year marks the 20th anniversary of Leonard Hair Transplant Associates, as well as a big birthday…my 50th! I must say, while many people fear the big 5-0, I’ve never felt better. The past twenty years of treating patients in the New England area have been wonderful! As I celebrate this milestone, I am humbled by the success Leonard Hair Transplant Associates has seen.

ContestSpecxHowever, 2009 has been a difficult year for so many people. With unemployment rates on the rise, there are more men and women out of work in Massachusetts and Rhode Island than ever before. And as we all know, in the competitive job market, first impressions are everything. For a job seeker coping with hair loss and feeling less than confident, looking and feeling better can make all the difference.

That’s where I want to help.
In honor of the 20th anniversary of Leonard Hair Transplant Associates, I’ve created a way to give back to my community. This summer, I will hold a contest for unemployed Massachusetts and Rhode Island residents to receive a total rejuvenation package. Of the twenty contest finalists, I will select one winner and one runner-up and restore their hair and confidence, for FREE.

And that’s not all…
I will profile the top twenty finalists on the contest’s microsite (www.youdeservehair.com), in my marketing efforts, and through my media outreach to help them gain visibility and increase their ability to compete in this difficult job market. By highlighting the finalists and their job skills, I hope to help all twenty find jobs!

20YearGraphicBut I’ll need your help.
If someone you know is currently out of work and could use a boost in his or her job search and self-confidence, please encourage him or her to enter this contest by July 15 for a chance to win! For more contest details or to enter, visit www.youdeservehair.com today.

Dr. Robert Leonard
Founder and Chief Surgeon

What’s New at LHTA

  • Dr. Leonard recently appeared on nlcTrans to discuss various hair restoration treatments, as well as the emotional impact of hair loss on transgendered people. View the full video here.