If you know anything about sports radio in New England, you know the words ‘Planet Mikey’ have little to do with some recently discovered constellation. Mike Adams, host of Planet Mikey, (7 p.m. to midnight on WEEI) is one of the best known radio personalities in the region. And if you haven’t seen him lately, you may not recognize the guy who once had a bare spot in the back.
“I had a big, shiny, bald monk head,” said Adams, “It looked awful in the old days.”
Adams is just one of the 80 million men in America affected by genetic male pattern baldness, and one of the thousands I have helped over two decades. I first treated him when he was host of a top-rated show on NECN in Boston. After the procedure, he went to the studio and sat down in front of the cameras, never missing a beat.
Clearly, Adams didn’t seek my services out of insecurity. He just felt he looked bad and knew he could do something to look better. But as a media insider, he has witnessed how hair loss can shake a man’s confidence, and that comes through on camera and over the airwaves. “You have to be able to radiate confidence, and a lot of guys can’t do that if they’re going bald, because they are so self-conscious about it,” Adams says.
I have seen the negative impact of hair loss on patients from all walks of life. Society views hair loss as a liability and, when given a choice, favors the person with better hair. This occurs in the workplace, in dating, or in the public eye. Celebrities and athletes face the same challenges as my other patients. Unfortunately, when people compete for approval in their careers or in social settings, hair loss often works against them.
“Dr. Leonard stepped up and did a great job for me,” Adams says. “He is at the top of the major leagues in hair restoration and guys with hair loss are lucky to have him right here in New England.
Amy, does Mike’s story strike a chord with you? If you haven’t taken the time to have your hair loss evaluated, call me today at 1-800-543-0660 or visit www.hairdr.com for a confidential consultation and evaluation.

Dr. Robert Leonard Founder and Chief Surgeon
Want to learn more about Mike Adams? Check him out at www.MikeyAdams.com.
What’s New at LHTA
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- The genetic test is here! Dr. Leonard is the only hair restoration surgeon in New England to offer the new test for male pattern baldness. Learn more.
- Dr. Leonard is blogging! Check it out now.