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Kevin Chapman

Your March e-newsletter from Dr. Leonard


In February’s Hairlines email I detailed a few interesting trends to watch in 2009. Only a month has passed since then and LATISSE, a new prescription treatment developed to increase the growth of eyelashes, has become a hot topic in the media!

You may have read about LATISSE in any number of newspapers or magazines, heard about it on the news, and even seen it mentioned in a few blogs. NBC 10 Health Check reporter Barbara Morse Silva interviewed me and spoke with one of my own patients using LATISSE just last week. Everyone is talking about this first-only FDA approved treatment for hypotrichosis of eyelashes (inadequate or not enough eyelashes). Whether you’ve heard of LATISSE within the context of beauty, anti-aging, or even medical breakthroughs, you can be sure that the exciting discussions around this new treatment will continue in the coming months.

While it was originally developed as a glaucoma medication, one of the side effects noted by patients was a thickening and lengthening of the upper eye lashes, prompting the makers of the treatment to study it for a different use. In clinical tests, LATISSE was proven to enhance eyelash prominence in length, thickness, and darkness. Now FDA approved, this once-daily treatment is applied to the base of the upper eyelashes (like eyeliner) with a sterile, single use-per-eye disposable applicator. Patients can experience longer, fuller, darker eyelashes in as little as eight weeks, with significant results in 16 weeks.

The treatment is only available through a prescription from a doctor and a 16-week course of treatment costs about $500. As a prescriber of this medication, I have a few patients currently undergoing the treatment. I hope to share more before and after photos and stories over the next several weeks.

Jennifer, as a specialist in hair restoration, please call me at 1-800-543-0660 if you are interested in learning more about LATISSE, or to get started on it.

Dr. Robert Leonard
Founder and Chief Surgeon

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