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“Dr. Lopresti made me feel comfortable and I knew he was the right doctor for me.”

Rob Ninkovich
New England Patriots Super Bowl XLIX and LI Champion

Your November e-newsletter from Dr. Leonard


What’s New at LHTA:

  • Dr. Leonard teams with Bentley College to develop new hair care product. Learn more!
  • Learn how our Luce LDS 100 state-of-the-art technology can help your hair loss!
  • See examples of results achieved by Dr. Leonard.

What’s New in Hair Restoration

Dear Jennifer,

Last month I attended the Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) in San Diego. I look forward to attending these gatherings each year to join colleagues from around the world to discuss research, surgical techniques, and treatment options in hair restoration.

I always return to my practice excited about providing the best, most advanced treatments for my patients.

This year, there was a great deal of discussion on the prospect of cloning hair follicles. Currently, cloning involves multiplying hair stem cells and injecting them into the scalp to form hair follicles that will then grow hair. However, existing technology fails to produce hair that is sufficient in terms of length and cosmetic fit. Although promising, there is still a long way to go before patients are able to benefit from cloning – this is at least 8 to 10 years away.

At the conference, my colleagues and I agreed that there were already many effective ways to help fight hair loss:

  • Current medical treatments initiated early prevent continued hair loss and deliver better long-term results.
  • Success with low-level light therapy like the Luce LDS 100 technology that I use in my practice, stimulates hair growth, providing more options for people seeking a thicker, fuller head of hair.
  • Hair transplantation surgery for women today provides their own, naturally growing hair that they can cut, curl, comb, style, and color. Nothing, but nothing can beat those results!

I currently serve on the ISHRS Board of Governors and this year I co-chaired an auction to support the Operation Restore program to help raise money for sufferers of hair loss from disease or trauma.

To schedule a free, confidential consultation or for answers to your questions on hair loss, call