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Tom E. Curran
NFL Insider NBC Sports Boston

Your November e-newsletter from Dr. Leonard

LuisCostaIf you saw Luis Costa on the street, you probably couldn’t guess his real age. This 47 year-old Warwick, RI resident seems to look younger as the years go on. His explanation? Hair transplantation!

A native of Portugal, Luis began noticing his hair loss in his early 20s. He considered himself too young to be losing his hair and decided to buy and wear a hair system- a decision that would burden him for nearly two decades.

“I wore a hair piece for 18 years,” Luis said. “People look at you and notice that your hair looks fake. It really affected my self confidence. There were many activities that I had to avoid. Swimming was a big one. I also avoided sports, such as soccer, or playing around with the kids. When you wear a hair piece, you don’t want anyone to touch it.”

It wasn’t until Luis suffered an injury in a car accident that he decided to improve his quality of life and seek the only premier solution to hair loss.

“I was in the hospital for a few weeks,” Luis explained. “I was very embarrassed because I had stitches on my head so they had to remove the hair piece. At that point I decided that I was all done with it. Later I was watching TV and saw a commercial for Dr. Leonard. My wife and I went to speak to him and felt very comfortable with him.”

When Luis and his wife came to see me for his confidential consultation, I evaluated his hair loss and explained that he would need more than one procedure to achieve his desired results.

“I’m very happy and pleased with the results,” he said. “Now I can do anything. I swim – no worries. I play soccer. I play rough with the kids. It’s the best thing that has happened to me!”

Since completing his hair restoration procedures, Luis has become a huge advocate of taking the step toward restoring your hair and your self confidence.

“Some of my friends knew me bald, and now they see me with hair. I always tell them ‘I went to see Dr. Len!'” said Luis. “If anyone is losing their hair, I always recommend ‘Dr. Len’. It is very comfortable talking to him.”

If you or someone you know is suffering from hair loss, follow Luis’ recommendation and contact me to schedule a free, confidential consultation to explore the many hair restoration options available. Call 1-800-543-0660 or visit www.hairdr.com.


Dr. Robert Leonard Founder and Chief Surgeon

What’s New at LHTA

Dr. Leonard spoke recently about the use of Low Level Laser Light Therapy at the ISHRS’ 17th Annual Scientific Meeting in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The event draws the world’s leading hair restoration physicians who present the latest research and scientific advances in diagnosing and treating hair loss.

The Cranston Herald announced LHTA’s hair loss contest winners in their October 9th issue.

Check out Doc’s blog about the contest winners.