I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard patients tell me they would give “anything” to get more hair. That’s a pretty powerful statement – and is very telling of just how important hair is to not only our physical makeup but also to our emotional well-being. It’s why patients like Joe Comparone – who said he didn’t feel attractive when he was losing his hair and stopped feeling confident when dating – have a whole new perspective on living following their hair restoration.
Interestingly, research does tell us that personal possessions are no match for a head of hair. Earlier this year, the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) – the world’s leading medical authority on hair loss and hair restoration – participated in a national online survey asking men with male pattern hair loss whether or not they would trade a personal possession for more hair. Suddenly those fancy electronics and plasma televisions don’t carry the same weight!
More than half – 57% of the 2,338 men with male pattern hair loss polled – said they would be willing to give up something they owned in exchange for more hair. Choosing from six items in the survey, respondents said they’d pony up some of their prized possessions:
- Stereo system – 26%
- Cell phone – 21%
- Expensive car – 17%
- Laptop computer – 17%
- Plasma TV – 13%
- Boat – 6%
So Amy, what would you give up?
A confidential consultation takes nothing more than your time. If you or someone you know is concerned about losing hair, encourage them to get realistic answers from an expert with compassion and over 20 years of experience. Call me today at 1-800-543-0660 or visit www.hairdr.com.

Dr. Robert Leonard Founder and Chief Surgeon
What’s New at LHTA
- LHTA is in the Granite state! Dr. Leonard recently opened an office in Nashua,
New Hampshire to serve his northern New England patients.
- Dr. Leonard is blogging! Check out his new blog at www.hairdr.com/blog.