I’m pleased to announce the winners of this summer’s contest! Lynn Lopes of North Providence, RI and David Arruda of New Bedford, MA are the winner and runner up, respectively, of the contest I held to help unemployed Rhode Island and Massachusetts residents improve their physical appearance and, therefore, hopefully, their employment status.
When I opened my practice 20 years ago, I couldn’t have anticipated how good the people of Rhode Island and Massachusetts would treat me. I’ve had the honor and pleasure of restoring the hair and self esteem of so many people. I know that for a job seeker, looking and feeling better can make all the difference. That’s why I chose to give back to the community where I have practiced for these many years.
Even in this challenging economy, men and women are concerned about their appearance and are battling low self esteem every day. Both Lynn and David were in need of a physical and emotional boost and struggled with the emotional devastation of hair loss. That’s why I am so pleased to be able to give them back the confidence they deserve.
It is my hope that by providing these hair restoration and rejuvenation services, Lynn and David will start to look and more importantly, feel better. With any luck, their restored self esteem will give them the confidence they need to feel comfortable in interviews and to make a great first impression!
Both of these new patients are excited about what lies ahead. In fact, Lynn completed her surgery this past Tuesday and David will begin his first low level laser therapy treatment this week. We’ll keep you posted on their progress over the course of the next several months.
Lynn and David are well on their way to feeling better, inside and out. If you or someone you know is interested in improving their self-confidence through hair restoration, please call me at 1-800-543-0660 or visit www.hairdr.com for more information.

Dr. Robert Leonard Founder and Chief Surgeon

What’s New at LHTA
- The winners of Dr. Leonard’s contest share their excitement and hopes for the future on www.YouDeserveHair.com. Check it out now!