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Dr. Lopresti is a cool, laid back guy. He’s about my age, and really understood exactly what I was going through.

Stephen Gostkowski
New England Patriots Super Bowl XLIX, LI and LIII Champion

October Hairlines e-newsletter

The Gronkowski family loves to get hyped, lift weights, and play football on Sundays.  Chris Gronkowski, the third-oldest of five brothers, is famous for a last name that he shares with brother Rob Gronkowski.  But while younger brother Rob excels with flash, older brother Chris is all about smash.

Chris is now in his fourth season in the NFL with the San Diego Chargers.  It was back in college at The University of Arizona when he first started to notice his thinning hair.

“I started to hear comments from other guys on the team giving me a hard time that my hair wasn’t as thick as my brother’s hair.”

chris-gronkowski-dr-leonardIt wasn’t until Chris heard about Wes Welker having a hair transplant with Dr. Leonard that motivated him to address his hair loss.  “It got me interested,” said Gronkowski, “at the time I was living in Denver, so I sent in some photos and Dr. Leonard called me back immediately.  I knew after that call Dr. Leonard was the right doctor for me.”

Gronkowski received the transplant surgery in late June.  It was a minimally invasive procedure where ARTAS® was used to harvest grafts using the Follicular Unit Excision (FUE) technique. He will begin to see initial results within the next four to six months and full growth at approximately 18 months.

“I am very excited that Chris came to me and was one of my early patients using ARTAS®,” said Dr. Leonard. “I always strive to provide the best solutions and options for my patients. ARTAS® offers great restoration results with extreme precision, unprecedented levels of safety, efficacy and comfort during the treatment and without linear donor area scarring. ”

Hair loss affects a person’s physical appearance and can even impact their self esteem.  Gronkowski is only one of many who are impacted by hair loss issues, 50 million men and 30 million women in the United States suffer from hair loss.  Advancements in technology provide many options today, from a strip transplant procedure to the new ARTAS® Robotic System.