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“Dr. Lopresti has a tremendous reputation and put my mind at ease throughout the process.”

Wes Welker
12-year NFL Veteran and 5x Pro Bowl Selection

What Some Men Would Do for Hair

A recent national study conducted by the makers of Rogaine shows just how far a man would go to avoid losing his hair. When asked what they would give up for their hair, 22% of the 4000 men surveyed said they would give up their vacations, 20% would give up television, 10% would give up sex, and 5% would give up their significant others.

As if this information wasn’t enough to tell us how highly a man regards a full head of hair, the study went a step further and asked what men would prefer to losing their hair. According to the survey results, 60% would rather experience a demoralizing event in the pursuit of keeping their hair, 50% would rather deliver a large public speech and 20% would rather get dumped!

Last year an International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) study revealed similar sentiments–more than half (57%) of the men suffering from hair loss surveyed said that they would be willing to give up their prized personal possessions for more hair.

The results of these studies clearly demonstrate the emotional effect hair loss can have on a man’s life. My advice? Avoid those “would you rather” scenarios and hold on to your possessions. Although male pattern baldness is a progressive and genetic condition, you can certainly do something about it. A new test, called HairDX, can predict a man’s genetic predisposition for hair loss. This allows men to make informed decisions and explore the many effective hair loss treatments available. The sooner you begin hair loss treatment, the sooner your hair, and your self confidence, will be restored.
