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“Doctor Lopresti did a nice job, and his staff took good care of me. The whole experience was terrific.”

Jeff Gross
Professional Poker Player

Dr. Lopresti NBC Boston segment on hair loss due to stress

Chief Surgeon Dr. Matthew Lopresti was recently invited by NBC Boston to share his thoughts on the potential connection of hair loss and COVID-19.  Reporter Katherine Underwood conducted the interview via Zoom with Dr. Lopresti and the segment aired during the evening newscasts on both NBC Boston and New England Cable News.

Earlier this month Dr. Lopresti posted a blog “Stress may cause temporary shedding, but 98% of hair loss is genetic” based upon the increase of patients asking about their hair loss being caused by stress.  An increase in stress can increase cortisol, which is a stress hormone that can cause the hair to go into the telogen phase.  This resting phase of the follicle due to the cortisol increase is typically temporary and should resolve after 4-6 months.

COVID-19 has certainly been a challenge and for many working remotely has become the new norm.  Video conferences via Zoom and celebrating birthdays and holidays on Facetime has translated into more self awareness of our physical appearance.  COVID has sparked an increase for our practice of new patients that never noticed their hair loss until seeing it each and every day during these virtual meetings.  It is critical to remember that 98% of all hair loss is caused by genetics.