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Being a young guy, I felt like Dr. Lopresti was my peer and he had plenty of passion about what he does.

David Backes
15-year NHL Veteran & 2-time Olympian

WBZ-TV 4 Boston interviews Dr. Lopresti on the Zoom Boom

CBS affiliate WBZ-TV Channel 4 in Boston interviewed Dr. Matthew Lopresti to learn more about the increase in business due to the “Zoom Boom”. The segment “Zoom Boom: Cosmetic Procedures Skyrocket During Pandemic” aired during the 6pm newscast on April 29th.

Reporter Rachel Holt sat down with Chief Surgeon Dr. Lopresti to learn about the recent spike in hair loss inquiries at Leonard Hair Transplant Associates. More and more people are spending their day staring at themselves in Zoom meetings and sometimes they don’t like what they see. So instead of going on that vacation or buying work clothes they are investing that money into restoring their hair loss.