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Dr. Robert Leonard Presents at International Conference in Athens, Greece

Cranston, Rhode Island – Dr. Robert Leonard, chief surgeon and founder of Leonard Hair Transplant Associates, recently presented at the annual DHI Academy Masters Meeting in Athens, Greece. Dr. Leonard, an internationally recognized hair restoration expert, delivered a presentation titled “A Comparison of Harvest Options Using FUE.”

The Annual DHI Academy Masters Meeting is an international conference where the latest developments and techniques in Direct Hair Implantation are presented, analyzed and discussed by the world’s experts.
According to Dr. Leonard, there are three main categories of harvest options using the Follicular Unit Excision or FUE technique: manual (purely hand technique or motorized hand technique), semi-automated and robot-assisted. There are benefits to each and the option that a hair restoration surgeon chooses is predicated on a number of factors.

“The method a doctor recommends to a patient is determined by his/her experience coupled with the patient’s desires regarding lifestyle (and hairstyle), density outcomes, financial abilities, and progression of future hair loss both in the donor and recipient areas,” said Dr. Leonard. “Once these factors are determined and discussed, a proper recommendation can be made.”
The manual option is typically performed by hand, the operator physically extracts the follicular units and prepares the grafts for implantation. A variation includes a motorized technique in which the operator also uses a motorized hand piece to extract the follicular units.

The semi-automated option involves a machine like the NeoGraftTM which is a semi-automated harvesting device. The biggest benefit of this method is that the system’s suction system extracts the follicular units at the time of the incision. It does not leave a linear scar like traditional strip-harvest methods.
The robot-assisted option involves a new device, the ARTAS® Robotic System, which uses a robotic arm to harvest grafts. Its advanced technology allows the machine to accurately assess several parameters of the patient’s donor region before harvesting. The robot’s cameras and sensors are able to evaluate the donor area and determine the exact angulation, depth, and configuration of each follicular unit.

Dr. Leonard currently offers manual and semi-automatic options. Dr. Leonard is New England’s foremost authority on hair restoration, the national spokesman for Rogaine® and the hair loss expert for Johnson & Johnson. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery and a founding member and former president of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, where he presently sits on several committees.