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“I had a hair transplant deal with it. Pres is bringing the thunder in the front and the party in the back.”

David Portnoy
Barstool Sports

Success Stories

Every journey starts with the first step. For many of our patients, that first step is when they pick up the phone and make an appointment to see one of our extensively trained hair restoration surgeons for a free consultation.

From there, each person takes a different journey to hair transplantation, depending on his or her unique situation. Our goal for every patient is success: restoring their hair, and, in the process, their self-esteem.

Below are stories of some of our patients. Just like you, they wondered if they should take that first step. And, in the end, they were so glad they did.

Take your first step right now. Call 800-543-0660 or contact us online to schedule your free initial appointment today.

Hair Restoration Patient Testimonials

Dear Dr. Leonard,

“Recently I had a follow up visit with you and we discussed the results of the hair transplant procedure I had you do in November of 2013.  It’s been about 2 years and a I want to express my deep satisfaction with your work and let you know that am very happy I made the decision to invest in myself in this way – no regrets whatsoever.

Prior to the procedure, I was completely bald on top.  I had begun losing hair in my very early 20’s.  By the time I was married at 26 I was starting to have a comb over, and went with that for about 10 years until even I found it ridiculous.  One day I had the comb over ‘flap’ cut off and went with the bald is beautiful vibe.  Well it’s certainly beautiful for some people, but I never got used to it, and I certainly didn’t like it.

Given that so much of my hair was gone, I wasn’t sure if the results of the procedure would be worth it.  You assured me it would be a noticeable improvement, but even so you cautioned that I might eventually want a second procedure done.  You told me the truth about the situation, even though it meant I might decide against having the procedure.

When I decided to go for it, you and your team were all very professional, but never clinical or impersonal.  It was all about me.  I was made to feel completely comfortable and that I was doing the right thing all along, and that I shouldn’t feel ashamed in any way about it.  And I don’t!  I’ll tell anybody about it if they ask me, but believe it or not, almost no one has.

At first I thought it was because they were embarrassed about it or thought I wouldn’t want to discuss it.  But now I think they just didn’t notice the change, it was so well done, and so subtle.  I wore a cap to work for a couple of days.  After that I waited a few months and then watched my hair grow.  And grow some more.

No one would mistake me now for a rock star – but when I look in the mirror I see hair on top.  People look in my eyes now, and don’t stare at the top of my head.  It’s fantastic really – and I thank you for all you’ve done and wish you continued success on the amazing mission you’ve taken on.”

Brendan S.

“This is for anyone concerned about losing their hair!

I’m 34 years old and have been struggling with hair loss since I was 20. I would cover up my head throughout college and into my 20’s because I was insecure about my thinning hair. I’ve been to two different hair transplant practices and I have to say that Dr. Leonard is THE BEST! He is extremely personal and conveys a real concern for his clients. I’d like to let you all how much Dr. Leonard and his amazing staff have helped me with cope with my hair loss. After my treatment with Dr. Leonard I can say that I feel and look years younger. I would recommend to anyone going through the trauma that hair loss can cause to see Dr. Leonard.”

A Very Happy Client

“I started losing my hair in my 40’s first it was gradual, but over the next few years, my scalp became more and more visible due to the large amount of hair that was falling out. At first I tried to cover the area, have my hair cut to try and hide the bare spots but nothing really helped. I hated every picture that was taken of me because in each one, the first thing you would see was my balding scalp.

Then I saw an advertisement for Dr. Leonard and looked him up on the internet. I talked it over with my hairdresser and my husband and they both said go meet with him. I did and I must say it was the best decision I have ever made for myself!

It has been just a year since I had the surgery and I can’t believe the improvement and the wonderful results! Even my hairdresser told me that my hair is so fuller now she forgot I even had a problem.

I am so pleased that I took this step and did something about losing my hair. I was so self-conscious for so many years, but not anymore! I truly believe that making this decision to trust and believe in Dr. Leonard and have the surgery has greatly changed and improved my life!”

Thank You Dr. Leonard!

Dear Dr. Leonard,

“Before the first time I came to your office, I had a permanent to mitigate the appearance of thinning hair and a receding hairline.  Of course, my original intent and expectation was to stop further progression of my hair loss, and you prescribed Propecia with Rogaine.

It has been over 12 years since I stepped into your office and I must stay your wise counsel not to have surgery performed has served me well.  Patience and strict adherence to your prescribed regimen has actually improved the overall thickness and strength of my hair and regained much of the lost ground on my hairline.  In the few times I asked about surgery, you placed integrity over financial gain and advised against it.  I actually feel like Diogenes finding an honest surgeon!

In short, it is no wonder you are successful in your profession.  My hair is now very long and much thicker than ever.  At one point, when I left your office, a gentlemen in your waiting room said, “I truly hope he’s making a donation!”

Kindest regards and thanks,

“It took me a year to work up the courage to make “that call” to Dr. Leonard.  I am so happy I did!  Results…EXCELLENT!

I was met with professionalism, warmth, and understanding.  The team understood how important my anonymity was to me because I was so embarrassed.  Dr. Leonard and his staff made the process easy!

I would highly recommend them.  They are a very caring and wonderful staff!  They are the BEST!!”

M.M. from Massachusetts

Dear Dr. Leonard:

“You’ve changed my life!!!!  About 15 years ago I started to see evidence of hair loss but the loss was minimal so I wasn’t bothered by it but year after year I noticed  I was seeing more and more scalp and less and less hair.  What normally didn’t bother me was now becoming increasingly bothersome.  Washing my hair was such a challenge as I had to try to work magic covering up my balding scalp with hot combs and sprays and gels.  It took forever to try to get the balding area covered.  I was beginning to be defeated and emotionally I was being drained.

One Christmas party, another woman who had a similar situation but was wearing a wig, was pretty much starring at me for  a long time and finally indicated to me that her situation was worse than mine and at that moment I felt humiliated and wanted to crawl under the table we were sitting at.  Little did she know, however, that this would start the ball rolling that would change the way I felt about myself.  That evening I logged into your Web site and a little box came up where I could have a chat.  I admit I was a little skeptical about the whole situation and questioned the before and after photos that I had seen feeling that they were airbrushed or somehow doctored up to make the person look much better than they actually did. After sending my question I was immediately contacted by one of your staff members who assured me that wasn’t the case and he was passionate and convincing at the same time that I should make an appointment to visit you and find out for myself if I could be helped.  I made the appointment and was on my way to the best decision I could have ever made for myself.  Just typing this now has brought up emotional scars and I’m teary eyed even today.  Although I had no idea what I was in store for, after speaking with you, I felt confident that this was the right choice for me…

During the process I was very impressed with your staff.  I received the best care and everyone that was a part of my transplant treated me with such kindness, warmth and understanding.  Your entire staff made me feel so comfortable.  Even during the most uncomfortable part of the surgery, which wasn’t intolerable for sure, I felt at ease.  Your constant assurance while the work was being done helped me get through any discomfort I would have.  Your encouragement through the whole process even though at times it was a little struggle again made me relaxed and unafraid.

Within weeks after the surgery I started to see those little hairs come up and the signs that something wonderful was about to happen to me and wonderful it was.  Due to the fact that I couldn’t color my hair each time I washed it the coloring was getting lighter and lighter and I was kind of liking the difference in my hair coloring and feeling more confident that maybe I wouldn’t have to keep coloring it.  Eventually it got to the point of silver gray and then the hair began to grow in fuller.  Dr. Leonard you can’t imagine what happened to me.  People were looking at me in a different light now and asking me what I had done to myself in that I looked so different and my hair was just beautiful. Every day someone would compliment me and one gentlemen that I’ve known for a long time actually said whatever I did was simply wonderful and that I radiated…Imagine I radiated!  OMG and not just one person but over and over again day after day I was bombarded with compliments about my hair and no one could figure out what the change was but that they liked my new hair color.  From that point on I was a changed person.  Washing my hair was no big task any longer.  As a matter of fact sometimes I could just dampen it and run my fingers though it with some gel and give myself that sort of DIVA look, imagine at 66 years old!!!!!

There are few words to describe the emotional uplifting your services have given me.  I’m on cloud nine.

I love dressing up and wearing makeup and  I feel so much younger and more alive.  I don’t know how I could ever thank you enough for my transformation.  I tell others about you all the time. Even people that see me all the time never stop complimenting me on my appearance and one of my very dear friends said to me one day, “I never realized how very pretty you are”.  That about sums it up for me.

Because of you, I’m happier than I’ve been for a very long time.  God Bless you Dr. Leonard.”

Warmest Regards,
Wanita P.

“Just wanted to let you know that I am extremely happy with the hair restoration that you and your fantastic staff performed. It has been extremely successful and honestly no one even knows or has commented. It is so natural and well done even I can’t believe how great it looks.

The overall service has been wonderful and very professional. Your staff’s kindness and attention to detail has been impressive. The process was realtively painless and the recovery time was amazing. I only had to call a few times but each time the response was quick and very professional. I especially was impressed by your timely response and care that you took to really understand what I wanted and then to implement your plan.

My daughter just got married and the wedding was fantastic. The hair restoration really hit home when I saw the pictures and realized that I really had a full head of hair again.

Again I can’t thank you enough for helping me regain what I lost, HAIR! Hahahaha

You are a great guy and everything that you say in your ads is true and that says a lot about the person you are.

If there is anything that I can do for you please let me know.”

See you soon. Thanks again,

“My hair loss began in my early twenties with a receding hair line. I thought I had plenty of time before it would become a serious problem. I couldn’t have been more wrong. Heredity and the use of bodybuilding “supplements” which I believe were classified as androgens had accelerated my hair loss. I compensated for my hair loss from the ages of 28 to 34. Certain styles of clothing did not accommodate for my wearing a hat. The shape of my head along with my facial structure did not exactly compliment being bald. Hair transplantation was another option and it was what I wanted from the start. Thank you, Dr. Leonard, for a job well done!”

Michael S.

“Dr. Leonard,
Just a quick email to say thank you to you and your staff for a wonderful experience!

I started researching hair restoration options and found you on the internet. After meeting you for a consultation, I decided right then that I was going to address my hair loss sooner rather than later. At 38 years old, it was time to do something about my thinning hair.

I had the hair transplant in late January and was pleasantly surprised that it only took 4 hours. In the past when looking in the mirror I could see straight through the top front of my hair. Now, with my own hair growing, it has provided coverage so that I can not see through it anymore.

Please know that I would recommend your services to anyone who is thinking about a hair transplant surgery.”

Thank you,
Angelo S. from Worcester, Massachusetts

“After decades of watching my hairline recede along with using every advertised solution all to no avail, I contacted Dr. Leonard for a free consultation at the age of 62. He was very thorough in his assessment of my hair loss situation and explained what he could do for me and what I should expect. There was no pressure to commit.

Three weeks later I had the procedure, and now one year later, the transformation is absolutely incredible. I am satisfied with the outcome and happy I followed through with my decision. I noticed that people extended me more courtesy and spoke to me more respectfully, as time went by and regrowth became more noticeable. This has been both, a confidence “Booster” and a definite life-changing event (in my life).

In closing, to all who are serious about having the procedure and are frustrated with hair loss, I highly recommend and strongly suggest contacting Dr. Leonard. He, along with his very competent staff, can give you the same life-changing experience I now enjoy and will for years to come.”

Rocco T.

“What can I say about my experience with Dr. Robert Leonard and my hair transplantation procedure. Firstly, I am glad I waited for the technology to progress as it surely has. I began losing my hair about fourteen years ago. It was a traumatic experience for me personally, I immediately began exploring options available for the times and they were certainly disappointing on the premise of expense and artistic appeal.

I have had some friends opt for the current ‘plug’ technology and or toupee systems; both repulsed me. My option was to shave my head completely bald. Needless to say, I hated this look for the reason that I am a large heavily muscled man with tattoos and this look made me feel and resemble an angry criminal; neither of which I am. In 2008 I was driving and saw a banner with Dr. Leonards Website advertised, that was my most grateful day for rush hour traffic. I recorded the Website and made contact with Dr. Leonard for a free consultation. I met with a professional and well-knowledged salesperson who confidentially walked me through the entire process and took the time to answer all my questions thoroughly and accurately.

Dr. Leonard is both a surgeon and an artist as his technique is practiced Worldwide and his tutelage in technique is highly sought out. In my opinion, this clearly sets him above the rest as an industry leader. I am so proud of my decision and results that I chose to not keep it secret. I tell everyone I feel could benefit from the self-esteem boost I have received from hair transplantation surgery. I already have two friends so impressed with my results that they have sought consultations with Dr. Leonard as well. My new hair stylist did not have any idea that I had a procedure until I told her after my second haircut with her. She said that in over twenty years of cutting hair, she couldn’t believe my results especially in terms of the minimal level of scarring from my donor area.

I would recommend this to anyone suffering from hair loss. There is hope that actually looks great, is virtually pain-free and most importantly affordable for all budgets in these tough times.”

Respectfully Submitted,
Christopher P Walsh

From a grateful father:

“My son graduated college and majored in accounting. After passing the CPA exam and working at several accounting firms he knew that this line of work was not for him. However he became very upset and depressed because he had put a lot of work and effort into college and the CPA exam. As a young man of 27 he was losing his hair and this was also upsetting him. As his father and having male pattern baldness I could relate to his hair problem. We did some research and decided that Dr. Leonard was the place for my son to go for a consultation.

After the consult we both knew that Dr. Leonard could help. On the way home after the first transplant my soon looked at me and said “I feel so much better now because this hair loss is something I can control.” Since that time and two transplant procedures later my son has a wonderful job and excellent self esteem.

Thank you Dr. Leonard from a grateful father.”

“Dr Leonard,

Good Morning, I hope all is well, I wanted to take a moment and express my appreciation for the job you and your complete staff did before, during and after my Hair Transplant surgery on 10/24/07.

I have been losing my hair for quite sometime, I always wanted to do something about it however I was always concerned it was to painful or would not look right, I decided to do something about my hair loss when I looked in the mirror and lacked the confidence I had as a teenager with great hair, I wanted to rebuild my self confidence and be able to do things with may hair may other men my age do.

When I started this process of looking for a hair transplant surgeon some 3 months ago, I had a certain criteria in mind in my selection process, cost was not the issue, I was looking for a connection between staff and Dr and a comfort level, I research 3 companies, I have to tell you Your Company was the only one that made me comfortable, gave me a choice of options as well a friendly and courteous staff at all levels in both the Newton and RI offices.

The information at the initial consultation was an education process with a choice, the consultant help guide me through that process very professionally, before and during the actual surgery I was made to feel comfortable and informed through out the whole procedure.

I was most impressed not only with your staff, as well the information provided was very accurate and honest, the post surgery instructions where flawless and allowed me to heal quickly and properly, I will tell you honestly the 2 larger companies did not explain everything as well as you and your staff did and their aftercare program was not even close to what you offer your patients.

I am in the service industry and understand the importance of good people at all levels we are only as good as our people, you have a great staff at both locations I visited and the entire team is to be commended for great customer service.

Thank you, I appreciate your teams efforts in making my experience a comfortable one you are to be congratulated on building such a great team of people.


Billy Johnson, Transplant Patient

“Dear Dr. Leonard,

A sincere thanks to you for the difference that you have made in my life based on my changed level of self confidence! The extreme hair loss that I suffered, particularly as a woman was devastating to the way I viewed myself. The inescapable fact of facing my image in the mirror everyday was awful to me every time I saw myself. Although I could try to fool myself by combing over the front spot with the hair loss, that comfort never lasted because I could see people’s eyes straying to my head while in conversation with them.

My hairline now looks like it should and I am so very grateful. You did a wonderful job and to top it all off there was no pain and I drove myself home after the procedure and also went to work the next day with no visible signs to anyone. I enjoyed watching a movie of my selection during the procedure and thank you and your professional staff for everything!”

Donna Brandt-VanBlarcom, a Dr. Leonard patient.

“From my initial consultation with Dr. Leonard until my most recent procedure, I have never lost my initial impression of both Dr. Leonard and his staff as nothing less than an absolute top-notch operation. Friendly, courteous, reassuring, and thoughtful, I would recommend Leonard Hair Transplant Associates to anyone considering hair restoration.”

T.B., Dr. Leonard Patient

“This is the best present I ever gave myself. I’d rather have my new hair than a new car! I look in the mirror now and I look terrific! What makes me feel even better is that two of my friends I referred to Dr. Leonard are also happy with their results — and that makes me feel really happy…”

Dr. Leonard’s Patient, Scott Bernstein

Dear Dr. Leonard,

“I want to try to express, though no words can fully explain, how appreciative I am to you and your staff for restoring my hair. The hair transplant spared me the emotional pain that I experienced several times a day, every day, when I looked in the mirror and saw my scalp and thinning hair.

I had to allow extra time each morning to get ready for work because I would keep parting my hair in different directions trying to see where it would show less scalp. I even would put a little baby powder on some of my noticeable areas of scalp that seemed to shine and drew more attention to my sparser hair spots.  I sometimes tried to cover up the big space between my bangs and top of my head by wearing wide headbands, but often they were uncomfortable and sometimes caused me headaches.  I looked to the internet for shampoos, conditioners and mousse that would give my hair volume, but none really worked enough.  This constant fussing often ended in tears before I would go to work because I feared others would see I was losing my hair.

To say I was obsessed with my hair is an understatement,  for my life revolved around my hair and even the hair of others.  I would see men who had thick hair and feel how unfair it was that I,  as a woman, had such thin hair.  There is no shame when a man loses his hair because society doesn’t see anything “unusual” about balding men.  Men are not less of a man because they are bald.  On the contrary, some women even find it attractive when a man is bald.

Women, however shouldn’t be losing their hair and no man would find a woman attractive because she is balding.  Most men want women to have full long hair and find it sexy even when for some, long hair isn’t becoming on them.  Hair for women is their crown and glory and for women it is probably the most important characteristic of their identity of being a female. Women like to make changes in hairstyle, length and color.  When describing a woman, her hair is one of the first things mentioned,  followed by eye color, stature and body type.  I didn’t want to be described by others as the woman who is losing her hair and consequently having pity for me.  Whenever I see a woman losing her hair, I know the pain she is going through and I silently pity her.

Now after the transplant, using my laser cap and daily use of minoxidil, my hair is becoming fuller, and my scalp is less noticeable.  The terrible fear of losing my hair is gone and my life is more positive.  I am no longer depressed when I look in the mirror or style my hair and I am not upset when finding hairs around the house.  I feel much more confident and in control.  I feel empowered because I took the steps needed to change such a big negative part of my life.

Thank you all for giving me back my femininity, confidence, lifting my depression and not only making a positive difference in my life, but in the life of my husband too, for when I am not happy, he is not happy.  I only wish that I didn’t still feel ashamed that I had been losing my hair, but I can’t seem to get over that.  If I could, I would shout from the rooftops and be the poster girl for hair replacement.  Logically, I know as a woman losing my hair shouldn’t make me less of a woman, but emotionally it feels that way,  For a woman to lose her hair, is liken to a man who has more pronounced breasts.   Both circumstances bring significant emotional pain.  God’s blessings to all of you for making life so much better for so many folks.  I can’t thank you all enough.”

Barb B.

“Dear Doc:

For many years I have worn a hairpiece, although I have never been in prison, I have always felt confined. Thanks to you and your wonderful staff I feel that I have regained my freedom and my self-esteem. I want you to know, for the first time in 16 years I was able to go swimming, lay by a pool and get a tan. It also feels good to go out in public without feeling I’m being stared at. It’s my hope that your other clients will share some of my experiences.
Thanks for all you have done.


“Dear Dr Leonard:

It is difficult, at best, to compose a letter that is emotionally driven and still convey the deep, heartfelt gratitude that I have for you and your staff.

At the age of 50 and being the owner of a medium size commercial construction corporation for more than 25 years, you can begin to understand that writing a letter of this nature does not come easy…

I would truly recommend anyone considering hair restoration to do themselves a big favor and at least schedule an appointment with Dr. Leonard for an initial consultation. Just like any “red-blooded male” I had all the uncomfortable, embarrassing fears and concerns anyone would experience. I called all the big, television advertised, hair restoration names and although they were professional and scheduled appointments for me (which I went to), there was the uneasy feeling that they did not truly understand my particular fears. Their environments were cold and sterile.

The hook for me was when I walked through Dr. Leonard’s office doors. I was comfortable and was greeted…with sincere interest and concern. After meeting with Dr. Leonard, it was immediately clear to me that he is truly a compassionate human and an outstanding physician. The proof is “in the pudding.” I would be more than happy to meet with anyone considering hair restoration before selecting a physician and I defy anyone to define where the original, versus transplanted hairline is. It’s that good!

I could go on, however, let me finish by saying…I ended up with a head of hair that only my hairdresser can tell, now that I need a hairdresser after 18 years (BIG SMILE).”

Respectfully, Stephen R.

“I want to say a few words about the work Dr. Leonard has done. I am currently a salesman in a high-pressure position at a securities firm. As part of my day responsibilities, I have a lot of face-to-face client contact. I have been mostly bald for the majority of my adult life and most people said that they never noticed it. It’s too bad that I couldn’t get it out of my mind.

After two transplant procedures by Dr. Leonard, I look like a completely different person. Although I am closing in on 40, most people say that I look almost ten years younger. They didn’t always say that. Ten years younger! That is quite a change for me, because most people always lopped on a few years when guessing my age.

Dr. Leonard has done extraordinary work. The surgical procedure was relatively painless, and the staff guided me through the short recovery period. All I lost was one afternoon. After that, I was up and about in my usual way. The hair was placed so subtly in my balding areas that even my closest friends could not figure out what was going on.

My hair now is so thick, that people cannot believe how good I look. Best of all, I really feel good about it. It is so important in a profession like mine to have supreme confidence in oneself. Dr. Leonard and his staff have given me this confidence. It is a cliche to say that the procedure has changed my life, but I truly feel it has.

I would suggest to anyone who even has the slightest tinge of regret about going bald to see Dr. Leonard for a consultation. I am certain that you won’t regret it. And you’ll look and feel all the better for it. I would use my real name, but because no one knows that I had the procedure, it is too much fun to let the secret out.

Call me “happy” as a nickname.”

“I had tried everything. Combing my hair over to the side, brushing it up from the back, special shampoos, oil treatments, creams and even a vibrator to stimulate the scalp. I had even tried transplants once before. There was no getting around it, I was losing the battle and my hair.

Dr. Leonard informed me about micrografting and the new techniques now available that allow surgeons to put in four small grafts where they used to put in one. With very little left to lose (except more hair), I decided to give it a try.

The new procedure was certainly more pleasant than before and the recovery period much, much shorter.

But the best part began when my hair started to grow in. Real hair! Back where it used to be! Dr. Leonard also advised me on how to make my new hair appear even thicker and fuller and how to maximize my appearance.

Two years later I noticed that my hairline was receding and had inched back pretty far. I returned for one session on each side to reinforce what was still there. It now looks completely normal.

I feel like a different person! I was telling someone that I think people treat me differently now that my appearance is better. “No”, my friend said, “people treat you differently because you are different, more confident, more self-assured.” Whatever is causing it, I like the new me. You can do it too.

Good luck!”

“Dr. Leonard/Staff:

I would like to thank you for a very positive experience while having my hair replacement surgery. Dr. Leonard presented himself extremely well and the staff was extremely compassionate. Overall, I was very pleased with the procedure. Once again, thank you so much!”


“Dear Dr. Leonard (Leonard Hair Transplant Associates):

As you know, I am scheduled to undertake my third hair transplant procedure on February 28, 2002.

I am sending this message to you and your staff because I have come to know some of you quite well during the more than 7 years I have come to you for your help in successfully treating my hair loss problem. During this time, I have always found your staff to be friendly, polite, and very professional whenever I have interacted with them. In fact, there is almost always a “family atmosphere” whenever I visit your Rhode Island office.

Because of the above, and even though I know that you have many, many patients who live throughout the Northeast, I have always felt that I and my concerns, questions, and comments are very important to you (i.e., I am NOT just a number). In addition, you and all members of your staff have always been candid, objective, and straightforward whenever you have recommended a course of treatment.

What I find particularly impressive is there always appears to be a “can do” and positive attitude in your office in regards to everything that you do. This attitude is especially important in that even though I am a very energetic and “can do” professional person, these hair loss problems are a very sensitive issue to me (and I expect to others); and I greatly appreciate receiving assurances from you and your staff that everything will turn out okay.

Regarding the actual hair transplant procedure, I have found it to be not nearly as traumatic as I thought that it might be. Even though there is some minor discomfort initially during the procedure (e.g., injections of pain killing drugs at the donor and recipient sites), the procedure is almost totally pain free. After the procedure, there may be some minor pain and discomfort due to localized swelling in some areas of the head (e.g., donor site); and minor bleeding in the areas where the hairs were transplanted. However, if one follows all of the post-operative instructions as outlined in detail by you and your staff; these minor discomforts always disappeared (especially the minor bleeding) within 48 hours or so. After every procedure, there have always been timely, friendly, and expert follow-up consultations and activities (e.g., stitches removed; follow-up phone calls) by you and your staff.

What is even more amazing to me is the fact that when I go back to work (usually 4 days after the procedure; including a weekend), absolutely no one has commented or noticed that I had the procedure. In addition, I believe that the lady who cuts my hair in Newport, Rhode Island has never noticed that I had the procedures (I usually get my hair cut 4-6 weeks after the procedure). I have also learned to be very patient in that after each procedure, the final beneficial result is usually not realized until at least 9 or months or so after each procedure. Hence, I no longer am anxious to see “instant” results after each procedure; and I have learned to be patient to allow the transplanted hairs to recover from the transplantation process itself.

Even though we all know that these types of medical procedures are not inexpensive to both you and the patient (me); I have always been impressed that you and your staff do not quibble over some of the services or supplies that you have provided in the past (e.g., baseball caps; occasionally some post-operative supplies). I also greatly appreciate the fact that I have never seen any bill for “hidden costs” that appear out of nowhere. In other words, all charges are clearly explained and justified before I leave your office.

Finally, as you know, I have always been a very self-confident person, both in my professional and personal life. I also take great pride that even though I am in my mid-50’s, many people have told me that I look and act as if I was ten or more years younger than I actually I am. Because of you and your staff’s expert and friendly help over the years, I will continue to look and act young, vigorous and healthy for the rest of my life.

I am looking forward to seeing you and your staff on February 28, and as I did during the last hair transplant procedure, I plan to bring some Food Baskets (Goodies!) so we can all share them during the day. Thanks.

P.S. If any patient of yours would ever like to contact me to discuss any of my experiences with you and your staff, please let me know and I will gladly discuss these matters with them.”

Brian, Oceanographer
Jamestown, Rhode Island

“I wanted you to know how happy I am with the transplant that Dr. Lopresti and your staff performed on me in August. I had significant hair loss both at the crown and recession at my forehead hairline. The hair transplant addressed both area.  Since my surgery I have followed a five step regimen of: 1) Propecia RX daily through your office 2) Low Level Laser Therapy treatments 3) Rogaine foam both at the crown and forehead hairline twice a day 4) Copper Chemist shampoo and conditioner and 5) B complex multivitamin.  I have noticed significant noticeable hair growth both at my front hairline and on my crown. For many years I looked at photos of myself and felt that I was looking at someone else who I did not recognize who looked much older. Now when I look in the mirror or photos I see the younger me again and I am happy. Before the transplant and treatment plan when I would towel dry my wet hair the white tile floor used to be covered with my hair. Now when I dry my hair I see very few fallen hairs. My hair is now staying on top of my head where it was meant to be rather than on my bathroom floor. The only regret I have is that I wished I had seen your office ten years ago. I feel the hair transplant and ongoing treatment was the best investment in me I ever made.”


“Dr. Leonard’s office did a fantastic job restoring  hair to the top of my head. I frequently receive compliments on how great my hair looks again! The whole operation is top notch and they really have the transplant process down to a science.  Very little inconvenience! It was well worth the cost!”
