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“Dr. Lopresti is a cool guy and a great surgeon. I definitely made the right choice.”

Chris Gronkowski
3-year NFL Veteran

Hair Restoration for a Transgender Patient

A private letter I received tremendously moved me from a patient who had been transitioning from male to female ( MTF ) over a number of years.

She described how, after everything she had gone through psychologically, medically, and surgically in this personal journey to “become the person I knew I always had been, but who was packaged in the wrong body”, that she still felt “incomplete” as a woman until we restored her hair to a feminine appearance.

urlPrior to her hair transplant, she had to wear wigs in order to conceal her ‘blatant” male pattern baldness.  She had a very receded hairline and a bald spot, both of which were not at all in sync with her new breasts, feminization reassignment surgery, abdominal lipo-sculpting, shaved Adam’s apple and brow area, contoured jawline, full-body laser hair removal, and cosmetic/ fashion makeovers.

She thanked me for helping her overcome the final hurdle in her becoming the woman she always knew she was and the woman she now felt complete enough and confident enough to tackle any future obstacles in her life.

I felt proud of my team and of myself and really happy in so positively impacting this person’s life to the extent that truly was life-changing for her—and for us!
